[ 5 ]

A X. I.

T B E Angles of Reflexion, and Refraction, lie one and additionally the celebrity Plane with the Angle of Incidence.

A X. II.

The Angle of Reflexion is up to the Angle of Incidence.


If the Refracted Ray be came back directly back to the aim of Incidence, it fball be re-fracted into the road before defcribed by the in-cident Ray.

A X. IV.

Refraction out of the rarer Medium into the denfer, is made towards the Perpendicular, that is, of that the Angle of Refraction be lefs than the Angle of Incidence.

A X. V.

The mathematical function of Incidence is eitber accurately or really nearly terribly} very given relation to the mathematical function of Re-fraction.

wherefrom if that Proportion be acknowledged in anybody Inclination of the incident Ray, 'tis acknowledged in all the Inclinations, and thereby the Refra-ction in all cafes of Incidence on the celebrity refra-cting Body may even be determined.

therefore if the Refra-


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