Opticks Book by Isaac Newton
B r the Rays of sunshine I underftand its leaft elements, and thofe additionally Succeffive within the fame Lines as modern in feveral Lines.
For it's manifelt that lightweight confifts of elements each Succeffive and Contemporary; becaufe within the fame place you'll ftop that that comes one moment, and let pafs that that comes prefently after; and within the fame time you'll ftop it in anyone place, and let it pafs in the other.
For that a part of lightweight that is ftopt can't be the celebrity therewith that is let pafs.
The Leaft lightweight or a part of lightweight, which can be ftopt alone while not the reft of the sunshine, or propagated alone, or do or fufter any factor alone that the reft of the sunshine doth not or fuffers not, I decision a Ray of sunshine.
D E F I N. II.
Refrangibility of the Rays of sunshine, is their Difpofition to be refracted or clothed of their approach in paffing out of 1 tranfparent Body or Medium into another.
And a larger or lefs Refrangibility of Rays, is their Difpofition to be turned a lot of or lefs resolute their approach in like In-cidences on the celebrity Medium.
Mathematicians ufually confider the Rays of sunshine to be Lines reaching from the lambent Body to the Body lighted, and also the refraction of thofe Rays to be the bending or breaking of thofe lines in
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